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Braising Pans

A braising pan or tilting skillet is are large frying pans with deep sides and an attached lid, used to grill, fry, simmer, and braise large quantities of food. These pieces are great for operations that need high production of the same item, like the catering or high-production industry - like colleges and schools. Most models will tilt up to 90 degrees from a horizontal position for quickly emptying the cooking container - which give them the name tilt skillet.  We have braising pans from Vulcan, Blodgett, Cleveland, Southbend, and Groen.
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Products (Total Items: 53)

Cleveland SGL40T1 - Tilting Skillet, gas, 40-gallon capacity, bead blasted cooking surface, manual hand tilt

Cleveland SGL40T1 - Tilting Skillet, gas, 40-gallon capacity, bead blasted cooking surface, manual hand tilt

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Cleveland SGL40TR - Tilting Skillet, gas, 40-gallon capacity, open base, hydraulic hand tilt

Cleveland SGL40TR - Tilting Skillet, gas, 40-gallon capacity, open base, hydraulic hand tilt

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Vulcan VE30 - Braising Pan, electric, 30-gallon capacity, 36

Vulcan VE30 - Braising Pan, electric, 30-gallon capacity, 36" wide open base, manual tilt

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Vulcan VE40 - Braising Pan, electric, 40-gallon capacity, 46

Vulcan VE40 - Braising Pan, electric, 40-gallon capacity, 46" wide open base, manual tilt

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Vulcan VG30 - Braising Pan, Gas, 30-gallon capacity, 36

Vulcan VG30 - Braising Pan, Gas, 30-gallon capacity, 36" wide open base, manual tilt

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Vulcan VG40 - Braising Pan, Gas, 40-gallon capacity, 46

Vulcan VG40 - Braising Pan, Gas, 40-gallon capacity, 46" wide open base, manual tilt

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Groen BPM-15EC - Braising Pan, electric, 15 gallon, 8

Groen BPM-15EC - Braising Pan, electric, 15 gallon, 8" deep pan, 35" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPM-40GA - Braising Pan, gas, 40 gallon, 10

Groen BPM-40GA - Braising Pan, gas, 40 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPM-40GC - Braising Pan, gas, 40 gallon, 10

Groen BPM-40GC - Braising Pan, gas, 40 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPM-40GSP - Braising Pan, gas, 40 gallon, 10

Groen BPM-40GSP - Braising Pan, gas, 40 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPP-40GA - Braising Pan, gas, 40 gallon, 10

Groen BPP-40GA - Braising Pan, gas, 40 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, power tilt

Groen BPM-40EA - Braising Pan, electric, 40 gallon, 10

Groen BPM-40EA - Braising Pan, electric, 40 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPP-40EA - Braising Pan, electric, 40 gallon, 10

Groen BPP-40EA - Braising Pan, electric, 40 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, power tilt

Groen BPM-30GA - Braising Pan, gas, 30 gallon, 10

Groen BPM-30GA - Braising Pan, gas, 30 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPM-30GC - Braising Pan, gas, 30 gallon, 10

Groen BPM-30GC - Braising Pan, gas, 30 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPM-30GSP - Braising Pan, gas, 30 gallon, 10

Groen BPM-30GSP - Braising Pan, gas, 30 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPP-30GA - Braising Pan, gas, 30 gallon, 10

Groen BPP-30GA - Braising Pan, gas, 30 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, power tilt

Groen BPM-30EA - Braising Pan, electric, 30 gallon, 10

Groen BPM-30EA - Braising Pan, electric, 30 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, manual tilt

Groen BPP-30EA - Braising Pan, electric, 30 gallon, 10

Groen BPP-30EA - Braising Pan, electric, 30 gallon, 10" deep pan, 38" pan height, power tilt

Groen BPM-15GA - Braising Pan, gas, 15 gallon, 8

Groen BPM-15GA - Braising Pan, gas, 15 gallon, 8" deep pan, 35" pan height, manual tilt