Browse through our selection of some of the most unique and useful kitchen gear on the web. In our Home Kitchen Emporium, you'll find cookware, baking supplies, appliances, and everything you need for home cooking and entertaining all for restaurant quality discounts. Whether you're outfitting your kitchen, entertaining, looking for new cooking gadgets or picking out a gift you'll find it here at JES.
Whether or not you bake on a regular basis, everyone should have a few baking sheets and either a hand mixer or stand mixer in their arsenal of kitchen accoutrements. Read More
October is National Fire Safety Month which is why many people tend to change the batteries in their smoke detectors during October. Read More
The type of finish on your cookware can make a huge difference in the kitchen. They each have a variety of pros and cons from price, reliability, and weight to maintenance and upkeep and the best type of foods to cook when using them. Read More