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2050 GOLD1003S
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Gold Medal 1003S - Sno-Konette Machine, adjustable blades, 6 oz. cup dispenser

MFG ID: 1003S
Gold Medal 1003S - Sno-Konette Machine, adjustable blades, 6 oz. cup dispenser

Image may include accessories and may not necessarily depict product color.

The Sno-Konette Ice Shaver was the world's first complete sno-kone with display case. The Sno-Konette features a 1/3 HP, 1725 RPM high-speed shaver mounted on an extruded aluminum cabinet. The "motor box" effectively hides the motor. The switches are mounted in the box. To operate, simply lift the pusher handle, fill with chunks of ice, turn on the motor and pull the handle. You can vary the fineness of the finished snow by using colder ice, putting less pressure, or setting the blades to shave more finely. The Sno-Konette could very well pay for itself in one busy afternoon. Shaves up to 500lbs. per hour. Accessories included are the cup dispenser, Sno-Kone Dipper, Ice Scoop and Drain Pan.


  • Sno-Konette Ice Shaver Snow Cone Machine
  • Adjustable blades
  • Tempered glass windows
  • Push handle
  • Includes sno-kone dipper
    • 6 oz. cup dispenser
    • Ice scoop & drain pan
  • Top mounted stainless steel motor box
  • Aluminum cabinet
  • 1/3 hp, 1725 RPM, 120v, 6.8 amps

  • Not available to export.

    WARNING: Attention California Residents - Prop 65 Warning

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