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32560 GOLD2169KK
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Gold Medal 2169KK - Karamel Kool Regular Stand, 30" x 40" Air-Cooled Cooling Pan

MFG ID: 2169KK
Gold Medal 2169KK - Karamel Kool Regular Stand, 30" x 40" Air-Cooled Cooling Pan

Image may include accessories and may not necessarily depict product color.

This large Karamel Kool stand comes with everything that you need to cool and serve your freshly prepared caramel corn. The 30 inch x 40 inch pan holds enough popcorn at once to ensure a constant supply of freshly prepared caramel corn. The built-in Karmel Kool system cools freshly coated popcorn in a mater of minutes for even faster caramel corn turnover. Boost your production and increase your concession stand's profits with a Karamel Kool cooling pan today.


  • For use with 5 or 10 gallon cooker mixers
  • Air-assisted Karamel Kool cooling system
  • High efficiency, long life air filter
  • Built in serving chute w/door for quickly filling poly bags and other containers
  • Durable anodized aluminum frame
  • Rolling base
  • 15 amp plug

  • Not available to export.

    WARNING: Attention California Residents - Prop 65 Warning

    Gold Medal 2169KK - Karamel Kool Regular Stand, 30" x 40" Air-Cooled Cooling Pan Reviews



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