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8790 HOSH9795-80
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Hoshizaki 9795-80 - Pre-Filter System, E-10 Prefilter, NSF

SKU: HOSH9795-80
MFG ID: 9795-80
Hoshizaki 9795-80 - Pre-Filter System, E-10 Prefilter, NSF

Image may include accessories and may not necessarily depict product color.

This prefilter can be used for ice and is recommended for single configuration. Use of an E-prefilter is designed to increase the life of Hoshizaki 4HC-H water filters in areas with an unusual amount of dirt in the water by trapping the dirt that contributes to scale build-up in ice makers and clogs other water-using equipment.


  • 10" H
  • Pre-filter system
  • E-10 prefilter
  • NSF

WARNING: Attention California Residents - Prop 65 Warning

Hoshizaki 9795-80 - Pre-Filter System, E-10 Prefilter, NSF Reviews



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