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6079 NEMC55359-P3

Nemco 55359-P3 - Cutting Wire for Easy Cheese Cutter, fits Easy Cheese Blocker (P

SKU: NEMC55359-P3
MFG ID: 55359-P3
Nemco 55359-P3 - Cutting Wire for Easy Cheese Cutter, fits Easy Cheese Blocker (P

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Cutting Wire for Easy Cheese Cutter, fits Easy Cheese Blocker (Pack of 3). This cutting wire is extra wire used for an easy cheese cutter and makes slicing large blocks of cheese easy for a more manageable cubing, slicing and shredding style.

WARNING: Attention California Residents - Prop 65 Warning

Nemco 55359-P3 - Cutting Wire for Easy Cheese Cutter, fits Easy Cheese Blocker (P Reviews



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