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27293 NEMC56750-2
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Nemco 56750-2 - Slicer, Onion, Easy Onion Slicer II, 1/4" slice, process up to 4

SKU: NEMC56750-2
MFG ID: 56750-2
Nemco 56750-2 - Slicer, Onion, Easy Onion Slicer II, 1/4" slice, process up to 4

Image may include accessories and may not necessarily depict product color.


  • Easy Onion Slicer II
  • 1/4" slice
  • process up to 4" diameter onions
  • top-down drive slices in one stroke
  • pretensioned cartridge blade assembly
  • pusher assembly comes off for easy cleaning
  • slices many fruits and vegetables

WARNING: Attention California Residents - Prop 65 Warning

Nemco 56750-2 - Slicer, Onion, Easy Onion Slicer II, 1/4" slice, process up to 4 Reviews



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