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2161 SCOTBL1048S
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Scotsman BL1048S - Upright Ice Bin, 1000 lb. capacity, top-hinged door

Scotsman BL1048S - Upright Ice Bin, 1000 lb. capacity, top-hinged door

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This large capacity upright ice storage bin can hold over 1000lbs of ice at one time. Featuring dent, scratch, and scuff resistant elements, this bin is sturdy, durable, and won't sweat. Designed to fit with top-mounted ice makers, this bin has a first ice in, first ice out set-up meaning your ice will always be fresh and clean. A five-year warranty is included. 

  • Upright Ice Storage Bin, 
  • 48"W x 39"D x 54.4"H
  • with top-hinged front opening door, 
  • 1000 lb application capacity, 
  • for top mounted ice makers, 
  • 48" width, 
  • stainless steel construction, 
  • polyurethane insulation, 
  • polyethylene liner, 
  • first ice in first ice out design, 
  • 6" legs, 
  • NSF, 
  • engineered and assembled in USA, 
  • universal bin adapter included for use with most applications, 
  • includes 82 oz plastic scoop
  • 5 Year Parts & Labor Warranty

WARNING: Attention California Residents - Prop 65 Warning

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