JES Restaurant Equipment
Product Categories
7235 STAR724TA
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Star 724TA - Ultra-Max Electric, Snap-Action Griddle, 24" wide, 1" thick plate

Star 724TA - Ultra-Max Electric, Snap-Action Griddle, 24" wide, 1" thick plate

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This 8,700 watt electric counter top griddle has a 1 in. thick polished steel griddle plate that evenly heated thanks to it's high performance heating elements which are placed every 12 in. The thermostatic controls make sure that the surface of the griddle is heated to within 10 degrees of the desired temperature making this one of the most efficient griddles on the market. The stainless steel construction is designed to be easy to clean and also makes this model very durable. To prevent grease from splashing and possibly becoming a safety hazard, this model comes with a stainless steel wrap around splash guard and grease trough to effortlessly collect excess grease.


  • 240 V., 8,700 watts
  • 4 in. Adjustable Legs
  • UL and CL Listed
  • 3 Year Warranty

  • We reserve the right to deny shipment on any commercial equipment order intended for residential usage.

    WARNING: Attention California Residents - Prop 65 Warning

    Star 724TA - Ultra-Max Electric, Snap-Action Griddle, 24" wide, 1" thick plate Reviews



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